We were going to back up this morning to get round the corner but the traffic was quite busy so we went back 50 metres to the closest water point.

We filled with water and then decided we would reverse round the corner because it would be easier for a Tesco's delivery we were expecting. Tesco's arrived at about 11.30am and we got all the stuff unpacked and put away.

We then set off for the Watford flight and with the sun shining it was a pleasant cruise round there.

We didn't have too long to wait before we were up the first lock and waiting in the bottom pound for three boats to come down. In the sunshine it was lovely just taking our time till we got to the top.

We just wanted to sit and have a beer as the sun was beginning to get the better of us, so it wasn't long before we pulled over and sat out in the shade.

It was a beautiful evening as we watched the water voles and frogs making their way backwards and forwards across the canal. Al did a pizza which we had while the sun set.