Sunday, March 25, 2007

March Hares

Well !

We've been busy again this month,what with the sad loss of our Step Nan (Rose). A double 50th Birthday party, and Dad's 7oth Birthday party.

We are also annoucing our new website

As for Derwent6, we have been out and looked at folding mountain bikes and think we have found the one we want .. this should save us having the bikes on the stern of the boat and now we should be able to get them in the engine room.

We have found two folding chairs for the dining room which should fold and fit behind the L shaped seating and also found a small ironing board which will fit in the same place.

We had our 24th wedding anniversary last week and got some lovely cards from everyone and great present's from our mum's and dad's (thank you to you all)

We have still had no news about the start date, but feel it will be the beginning of May (fingers crossed)

Still chucking out loads of rubbish around the house and continuing with the sorting.

Don,t forget to watch Waterworld on ITV1 on either Monday or Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm as this will give you some idea as to what we are letting ourselves in for..

Speak soon!!