Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not Mooving today

We did plan to move today, but John from Leesan was coming out to look at our manual pump out system we have on Derwent6. He turned up at 11.00am and started pulling the pump about, and noticed that it wasn't sucking as well as it should. We then dismantled the pump and low and behold there was a piece of waste tank swalf stuck in the one way valve. Brilliant! problem solved, but not until a lot of cleaning with disinfectant had to be done. Some of the waste had gone down into the bilge and we didn't want that chucking up every night. Well now it was working and as we had a sanitary station just over the bridge it was rude not to empty the waste tank. It took eight goes and it still wasn't completely empty, but it will at least save us a pumpout for another week or so. We are so pleased we have that facility and long term will save us a fortune.
While all this was going on Al was making some lovely coconut cakes and on the stern we had both smells good and bad, but the cakes really tasted good.
This took up the best part of the day and we had decided to settle down tonight with a glass of wine, but had run out of wine. So it was a small trip into Crick village to pick up a few bottles from the Co-Op and on the way back to Derwent6 we noticed a Cow walking up and down the towpath. (as you do)
We couldn't find how it had got out, but we managed to take down part of the fence and after giving me a real look, decided to be reunited with it's crying calf.
We then had to repair the fence for the farmer and they all lived happily ever after. The joys of boating...


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh!!!!!!!What a lucky cow to come across two caring people,reuniting Mum and Babe.
Dad & Terry xxxx

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are lovely, and so clear too. You must have a way with animals as the cow seemed to be very docile!
I can smell those cakes from here btw!

Anonymous said...

Actually ,I don't think that cow belonged in that field at all and the farmer is now going to get done for rustling.
Thanks a lot you mariners. hahaha

Del and Al said...

Hi Dad & Tel
We only got it back in the field because we didn't want the mooing keeping us up all night lol x

Del and Al said...

Thanks Ann
yes the cow was very freindly and probably after one of the cakes ;-)

Del and Al said...

Hi Les
How many dollars is it for rustling these days.....Great to hear from you x