Saturday, April 16, 2011

We made it to Lechlade

We were up at the crack of dawn to watch the Grand Prix qualifying and then we quickly set off. We passed under Newbridge and soon got to Shifford lock. The canal then twisted and turned it's way to Tadpole Bridge. Still twisting and turning we got to Radcot which was very busy with boats going in the water from a field with the use of a crane. We carried on through Grafton and Buscot lock still twisting and turning up to St John's. Here is the famous statue of Father Thames and the lock was a bit like a model village. We then got to Lechlade and winded at the Round house which is the end of navigation on the Thames. It was a bit tricky with the current and the sandbanks, but we managed it. We came back to a nice mooring with a short walk into town. It's a lovely place where all the buildings are built out of Cotswold stone. We picked up some Fish and Chips and walked them back to Derwent6 and sat in the sunshine with them. It was a lovely evening with the church spire all lit up in the clear moonlight. Oh we had some good news today.....Len's (Del's dad) kidney has started to function which should aid his recovery....


Anonymous said...

Great news about Len - hope you are all enjoying the sunshine too - nice to know you are on the Thames, feels like you are closer when I'm looking out at the estuary xxx


Unknown said...

Hi Guys, long time no see, you're all looking good.
Hey since when has the Thames been a CANAL.LOL

Unknown said...

Oh and by the way, Tadpole bridge is where our 1st boat Contented Soul blew up caught fire and sank in a Viking Funereal fire 20 years ago. Have you been in the Trout there, is it still any good?

Del and Al said...

Hi Z ahhhhhh we're not too far away now. One day we'll be out in that estuary when we're feeling brave lol. Take care and don't get too brown in that sunshine this week xxxx

Del and Al said...

Hi Jill & Graham, well done for spotting, sorry force of habit !!! We're great thanks and enjoying this lovely sunshine. How are you? Sorry didn't stop at Tadpole but the pub did look quite busy :-)

Anonymous said...

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