We left early and no one had come round to collect our money for the moorings at Windsor.
We moved on through the first lock and decided to push on through Runnymede, Staines, and on to Weybridge. Thomas was a good help with holding Derwent6 on the bow as Al operated the self service locks.
It was breakfast on the way. 
We found a mooring on the arm of the River Wey. We then got the ferry over the Thames to Nauticalia and then went for a drink in the pub nearby. Thomas loved the ferry.. 
It was then Geocaching time, so we planned one in Weybridge and found our way about, with the added bargain of a Fish and Chips supper..
Hi Both,
Interested in this Geocaching you speak of, sounds fascinating. I'm showing my ignorance now but what is it please?
warmest regards
Hi Steve, it's basically a treasure hunt that's worldwide. You find the cache using GPS co-ordinates, record your find and replace where you found it. You can also swap 'treasures' found in the cache. Check out www.geocaching.com
Its good fun.....
Hope you have some news soon on the base plate date....fingers crossed
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