We had a bit of a lay in this morning but once up we wanted to stretch our legs. We thought we would take a walk down to the winding hole (turn around point) to suss it out. We would have to get water here as well and some maneuvering would have to be done. As we had walked down this far we decided to walk into Atherstone. We had a tip off that the canal was closed at lock eight (thanks Sue), but what we hadn't realised is that it was an extra mile to get into town.

Still we had all day to do it. We did spot BW going along the dredged section picking out all the windlass,which if you look closely, they put on the wall behind them.

One of the perks we think!!!!
The first thing we did when we eventually made it, was have some lunch in one of our favourite cafes. We had a wonder round but we had just missed the market as it was packing up.

We decided to get the bus back because we wanted to see where it went. It took us to the Boot Inn at Grendon, a pub which has live music on Saturday's. It was a mile walk to get back to the canal on a good footpath, and we got back to Derwent6 at about 5.00pm and it was still light. We can't wait for spring....
Worn out from all that walking (and drinking) we can't really tell you where the evening went... before we knew it, it was 10.30pm and bedtime......
Glad to have you back!!!!! Nice chat yesterday - see you soon
lovely to catch up, hope the building work goes ok and enjoy that fridge......I'm jealous!!!! xxx
we know we're getting old when we get excited about fridges!!! Doesn't come till end of Feb so hopefully I might have a bit of a kitchen to put it in by then!!
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