Blimey no frost last night, we must have had some cloud cover, but it was still blooming cold. When you went outside it was freezing. So it was a stay in day today. Del sorted out the pipe he got yesterday and sorted out the bilge while Al......hmm got back into her book.. You can't avoid going outside, you still have ashes to empty, coal buckets to fill, and Derwent6 can get so hot you just have to get some air.... In the afternoon we had an invite to go round to Paul and Lynn on n.b. Piston Broke for tea. Al had made some shortbread and Lynn had made some scones, so we had a bit of a feast...
We talked about everybody and everything. Then Al got a phone call to say her mum had fallen over and had to be taken into hospital by ambulance. So we went back to Derwent6 at 6.00pm, and waited for the news as to what the verdict was, and were on tender hooks all evening waiting for a phone call from Al's sister Jo. She had to have some X rays and loads of other checks, but after getting back home at 11.00pm, she seems ok .. It seems a clear night tonight, so we might be iced in in the morning, best get the spare water container inside....
Give Mum and Dad my love and hope they are OK.Must have given your Dad a fright!!!!xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no! All you need! Tell your Mum she fell for your Dad 60+ years ago and she doesn't need to do it again in celebration of their anniversary!
Let us know if there is anything we can do
Thanks both, Mum's ok. Just shaken up and bruised, she must have strong bones! The Doctor that treated her in A&E phoned yesterday to check she was nice is that?
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