Thursday, May 22, 2008

Exchanged Contracts

Hi all

Just a quick note to say we have now exchanged contracts on the house (so no turning back now)

We feel we have sold just at the the right time and we know the new owners will be very happy in our old Derwent6, just as we have been over the last 15 years.

We are now busy selling and delivering all our stuff, to friends and family and fitting in the crick boat show in between.

Hope to see some of you at Crick!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on contract exchange.

We will be at Crick on Saturday, may meet you both in the 'tent'.

Keith and Ann (Oakfield)

Del and Al said...

Hi Keith and Ann

Sorry we only met briefly at Crick, but we will be pushing Derwent6 along so yours can follow suit. Bet your as excited as we are.

Anonymous said...

It would be a close run thing as to who is more excited.

Yes, sorry it was brief but we had the first site of plans, on paper, and Julia wanted some decisions.

Went on to Green Matters, last years show boat and borrowed some adjustments we needed to make.

Have been designing the boat for the last three years and still fine tuning.

Julia did say ours would be this year, so looks good for yours.