Progress is going in the right direction with Derwent6, but not without a few problems.
One of them being that the tank was measured to go under the cratch floor and when arrived appeared ok, but when it was time for it to be fitted, found out that it didn't fit through the bow doors. Lucky it fitted through the stern doors. Here it is now in the saloon waiting to be fitted.
The floor has been laid and made to look like a old floor to give the boat some character, which is difficult to build into a new build. Hopefully this will give the boat that warm and cosy feeling.
The overhead cupboards in the bedroom have been started and the roof butted timbers fitted.
The galley units are now being installed, so we are now getting a feel of the size of drawers and cupboards in this area. The bed was being erected out in the workshop as was the dayroom furniture.
The engine has now been placed in position (dry fit) and the centaflex coupling fitted. This engine is a kabota which has been tried and tested for many years normally on building site machinery, but this one has be marinated by Beta and will be the heart of Derwent6. Attached to the engine is a 5kv Generator which will give the 230 volt power to all the appliances.
As we left the roof was being painted, and a proto type of the portholes had been supplied to check for size and hole drilling locations.
Hi there. Is that water tank stainless? It may be a trick of the light, but it appears to be mild steel c/w scale. Also, somebody has nicked your 5kW generator! Not 'borrowing' your kit for building other boats are they? Cheers, Chris.
PS. If we had our time again, we would have specified a stainless waste tank as well as fresh water tank - you live and learn as they say.
Hi Chris,
Great to hear from you..
No mate! the water tanks are polypropylene construction which after hearing so many people having problems and due to the size we thought was best. (You can't have enough water) As for the engine, the Beta 50 has been redesigned and the Generator is the one with the bolt missing on top. They are smaller now, so fit in the case better. This engines alternators are also 24 volt a specification by Fernwood.
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