Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New start, New beginning. (and poorer)

Well a great time was had by all...... We're heavier, worn out and have a headache, (self inflicted though, I must add) but what a exciting year ahead.

We're looking at it as though our life is taking a different branch, and we are making a new start towards what life is all about. We have got so much to look forward to. We are going to spend more time with our friends and families. Life is all about people, not material things.

But at the moment we are alot poorer for it all....

What with Christmas, eating out, spending in the sales, and having to pay our next stage payment on Derwent6 Gulp!!!

It was a nice feeling that Derwent6 was tucked inside over the festive season and we get the feeling things will really start to move now.

We have got some great things in the January sales, but we will tell you about them in more detail later.

Meanwhile all have a fantastic 2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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