Thursday, December 13, 2007

We saw three ships (our version)

We see a ship come sailing in
Next Wednesday next Wednesday
We see a ship come sailing in
Next Wednesday in the morning

Julia and Ken are working hard
Next Wednesday next Wednesday
To find a space for Derwent6
Next Wednesday in the morning

So fingers crossed that all goes well
Next Wednesday next Wednesday
And Jim can wave goodbye to the shell
Next Wednesday in the morning

Lets hope the straps are big and strong
Next Wednesday next Wednesday
we don't want anything to go wrong
Next Wednesday in the morning

We're happy now it's sorted out
Next Wednesday next Wednesday
Lets raise our glass without a doubt
To Fernwood Craft in the morning


Anonymous said...

Great news! All good things come to those that wait....!

Enjoy your Christmas.

Joy & Steve x

Derek and Dot said...

Hi Del and Al
They say patience is a virtue, but we know how frustrating it can be. It looks like its coming along nicely. Love the paint job you've done. Take care, have a fantastic festive season and yes we will try and catch up in the new year.
Dot and Derek

Andy Lawrence said...

Hi Del and Al
Hilary and I know the frustration you are feeling as we had to change builders in mid fit out.
But as you have seen from our blog site it is worth waiting for.
Have a great Christmas and see you on the cut in the new year.



Andy Lawrence said...

Dear Del and Al

Have added your link to The Maisibert blog site.



Ann/Kev said...

Hi Del & Al,
Hope everything gets on track as I we are sure it will, we hope to be aboard our boat by April so we will probably see you on the cut in spring, enjoy your Christmas
Kev & Ann nb4evermoore

Peruvian Skies said...

Good luck for the move and hope all goes well, nipped over to see julia and Ken and they doing everytning in their power to make this happen for all of us. We cant wait to have a nose once the build gets underway.