As for the Stern, the rear sides are now fitted and the stern deck completed.
We have now sourced the slate tiles for behind the Morso squirrel wood burner, and been up to the midlands to collect them, they just look fab, we are so pleased.....
We have been back up to Fernwood and seen the boats in progress. They are all working very hard to get the two boats in front of us out, but not fast enough for us, as we are so excited because Jim at Alexander boats is putting all the finishing touches to the Derwent6 Hull.(Come on Fernwood)
I must say though, the boats Fernwood are working on, just look fantastic, with loads of features on all of them. We just feel that when we come away, Derwent6 will be another one or two weeks behind (thank goodness our slot came forward).
We then went on to see our new home. Jim has had his own problems with his team mate Craig, having a trauma in the family, and having to fly out to Spain to sort it all out.
Our Condolence's Craig.