Julia turned up at around 11.30am and brought the cushions which fitted lovely. We still have some snagging to be done by the lads, but that will now probably wait till the end of May.

We still haven't got our flyscreens made yet, but that is work in progress.
When Julia left we were going to move on, but the wind was so strong and we had to go on the river, so decided to stay put for the day. We thought we would go for a walk around Shardlow and walk down to Cavendish bridge and while we were at it get some more provisions. Just as we were leaving Pip & Roger from nb-windsong turned up, together with their son and his girlfriend, as they were visiting a marina in the area. Their boat is now looking like being finished for the beginning of June, boatbuilders pending! It was great to see you guys again and not long now!
We left soon after they had gone and walked to The Navigation, one of the seven pubs in the area. We were looking for some entertainment, being Friday night, but none there tonight, so we walked down towards Cavendish bridge.
Another handy thing to know is it's only a 30 minute bus ride to East Midland Airport if you ever need it.
We then walked back shopping in hand to Derwent6 and had some lunch and chilled for a bit.
After a shower it was off out to the club at the marina. 
They had Chris Roger singing and we all had a great night. To prove it the night ended with Al sitting on the towpath singing"by the light of the silvery moon" and she wasn't very well....
Good grief - why do I always look like I've escaped from the loony-bin in photos!!! Glad to hear that you had a good night at the Boat Club last night. I had to chuckle at the image of Al on the towpath singing - hope the hangover isn't too bad Al!
See you soon.
You do seeem to have lots of snags - we nearly had a Fernwood boat and then decided against it when we read all the blogs - we lost £1000 deposit - why are you having all this grief? Surely Fernwood should have tested all your stuff.
We eventually bought our boast from Louis and Joshua - it is beautiful and as we stayed at the boatyard for a month after the build, any snags were sorted there and then.
You obviously love your boat - look out for us on "Firecracker"
Thanks Pip, did have a bit of a self inflicted headache.....but the fresh air on the river did it the power of good!!
Hi Win
Glad you're pleased with your boat. We have had some snagging to do, but it's only where Fernwood have been looking after us really. They will sort out any issues and will come out and find us wherever we are which is great as we're continuous cruisers. As for them testing things, they do, but they also let you change things....the cushions were our fault, as we just had them made too soft....but now they are much better.
We'll look out for you on the cut.
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