Sunday, May 10, 2009

We're not racing today

The plan was to clean and tidy and do some of that touching up in the morning, watch the Grand Prix and then set off in the afternoon. There was quite a lot of activity on the canals today, being the weekend and all that, so we watched everyone tooing and froing. There are quite a lot of wide beams in this area and you defiantly know it when they go by.

We watched Jenson go to victory in the Grand Prix with lunch, and then checked the weather for the afternoon as it had got colder and cloudy during the day. It said we were going to get light rain from 4.00pm so we decided to stay put for the rest of the day.

We went for a circular walk which included watching a cricket match (and we don't even like cricket) and then went on to the railway museum and back along the towpath. It was nice not moving. When we got back we just sat on the bow and relaxed. Oh, and by the way.....we never got that rain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure about you any more, boats, trains, cricket whatever next.
