Nice day today and had to do the brasses after all that rain. It was quite relaxing watching the people go by and cleaning Derwent6. We then went out for a walk to have a look at how the festival guys were getting on with marque's, and were surprised at how flooded the river Cherwell was which runs along side the Oxford Canal. We had better not have a drought.....

We went past this tree which is a memorial for John Jonah Jones who was the stage Manager for the festival with Fairport Convention and one of their song titles "Meet on the Ledge" is on this plaque.

We then carried on to the village and checked out the pubs for what music was in store. The pubs call it The Cropredy Fringe Festival. On the way back we talked to one off the musicians who used to play with Georgie Fame (we know, where do we find them).
We got back to Derwent6 and then run the engine for a couple of hours. We are finding that as the batteries are getting older we are running the engine a bit longer now but we have now been using the freezer to it's full potential which has been a god send. With all this warm weather and being static, we are finding that the freezer struggles to keep it's temperature and seems to be going all the time. It's fine when we are cruising. We wonder what this will be like in the winter months as at the moment we are not using too many amps.
Sat in the Cratch tonight, enjoying the lovely evening, with a Friday night beer!
Not the Jonas Brothers then!!!
Is your freezer built in and does it have enough ventilation at the back. It should cope OK in this weather, its not sweltering hot.
A couple of old computer fans blowing up the back MAY make a big difference, depends how well its installed.
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