Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Strain and Drain

All night, Del had been thinking of how to tackle the water tank problem, so he was up early and the first plan was to use and drain the water from the tank. So first things first, Del needed a haircut, so Al cut Del's hair and then we both had some very long hot showers. Now the problem with draining the tank is you don't want to run the water pump for too long otherwise you will burn out the motor. So we did it in 15 minute spells letting it cool down for ten minutes and then draining for another 15minutes.. As you all know Derwent6 has a very big water tank and it took us two and a half hours to drain it.. At half and a quarter full we still couldn't move the tank and only when it was nearly empty did it move slightly. Del made a block and a lever to get behind it out of a old pallet we had. Phew! it moved in the end and it freed off the trapped pipe.
 Del then put a piece of wood in to stop the tank from moving again.
The sun came out in the afternoon and we waited in the cratch for our Asda shopping to arrive. and they turned up at 3.30pm. We then noticed that our glass had cracked on the fire, oh well another job for we settled down to watch the football in the evening.

1 comment:

Ashley Watanabe said...

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