It was a dank morning and looked like it could rain any minute, but we had had enough of the scenery here and wanted to move on. Al took the tiller and we pulled the pins, thinking we will stop when it rains....

After a hour of calm and tranquil cruising it started to spit, but we thought we might as well make it to Foxton Locks. We had a few problems getting through the swing bridge, but we both just managed to do it. When we got there the sun came out and we filled with water. We also manually pumped out what we had left in the waste tank, so a job well done...

With the sun shining on us, we though we would see the locky to see if we could get up the locks "come right up" he said, "you know what you're doing".

When we got to the top we noticed the cheese boat and we wanted to sample some of these fine Welsh cheeses.

We passed Mo & Ness on n.b Balmaha (see link) getting water but decided to press on while the weather was with us.

Al made some cakes and managed to get some washing done.

We got to the tunnel and when we came out everything was wet again so we must have missed a shower there, lucky or what!
We moored just before the Welford arm and found a nice spot out of the wind which had now picked up.

We decided to cut up all the wood on the roof before the heavens opened and managed to do it just in time. Phew what a busy day (for us anyway) and we were knacked and aching a bit. We lit the fire in the evening and just snuggled up...that's what it's all about!!