Well it was all revealed at the party when we all had a group photo taken and if you look closely the gnome was on Steve's shoulder at the back.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hook, Line and Sinker
While Del & Al were at Steve's fiftieth Birthday party at their favourite restaurant (see Link) they were done good and proper... As you all know there has been a Derwent Gnome who has also had a blog. (www.derwent-gnome.blogspot.com ) This gnome was taken from our front garden at our house leaving party and until this day we didn't know who had taken it. So for a year we have been trying to guess who that person, or persons were. This year we have even had pictures of the gnome on Derwent6 which had narrowed it down to a few people, but still we didn't know.
Well it was all revealed at the party when we all had a group photo taken and if you look closely the gnome was on Steve's shoulder at the back.
He had great pleasure in presenting gnomey back to us and everyone had great pleasure in all being involved. Gnomey did a bit of dancing and helped cut the cake. 
In fact we were a bit disappointed that it had all come to a end as Derwent gnome had created a bit of a fan club on the cut. He will now take pride and place back on Derwent6 (until he goes missing again)
Well it was all revealed at the party when we all had a group photo taken and if you look closely the gnome was on Steve's shoulder at the back.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy 50th Birthday Steve
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Not more snow!!
The plan today was that we were going to move, but just as we thought about getting ready to go the snow started. So that was it ... It wasn't laying, but it was having a good go. We had light snow all day so we stayed warm and snug inside Derwent6. It was another day just watching the Olympics and relaxing. We did go out and get some wood and we managed to get it all chopped up and put in the cratch, so we did do something. Al repaired the cushions which had generated a small tear, probably because we spend so much time lazying around on them. We had a good curry in the evening with some music. The snow had turned to rain by the time we went to bed.
Monday, February 22, 2010
What's that screeching!
When we got up this morning it looked like the ice had gone but when we looked up and down the canal, it was only clear on our little section. We still had the snow and it was still very cold with quite a strong wind. So decision made, we can't move again today, so what jobs can we do.
Del started the engine to charge the batteries and got a loud screeching noise from the belts, so that was the job for the day. Engine covers off, and spanners out to adjust the pulleys. In fact all the belt pulleys were working loose so it was a job well done. We still have a noise coming from an adjusting pulley which Sam from Foxton Boat Services was going to look at for us, but when we called him he had forgotten all about us. He will remember us when we breakdown.... Mind you, all this did give us a chance to use our new ipod docking station in the engine room, which we got last time we were down in Kent, which gives a really good sound and runs on mains or batteries, and it is also nice and small. But the best bit is it was only £14.99.....
We also stuck Alan's brass plate from Axiom Propellers up in the engine room..
While all this was going on Al was making cakes again and the smell was to die for...
No one is moving around here as things just keep freezing up overnight. We don't mind, we've got nice views and good TV signal for the Olympics, and an ok Internet signal. We are getting low on wood so will have to go on the hunt tomorrow.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
More snow with Sunday Lunch
Woke up and removed the porthole bung at 8.00am and was greeted with it blocked with snow.
Yep we had another inch overnight, and yep the canal had frozen. We had some breakfast and then to prove we didn't have a hangover from last night we had a sing song ourselves. Al got out here recorder and Del tried to play along with her, which was a tad difficult as Del can't read music...yet! At 11.30am we decided to have a walk down to the locks as it was very pretty outside and slowly starting to thaw again. We had to be very careful as it was very icy in places.
We went to the Foxton Locks Inn at 12.00 and were lucky enough to get a table out on the terrace underneath the patio heaters. We had just the best Sunday lunch and came out with very full belly's.
Good job we were going to walk it off getting back to Derwent6. In the afternoon Al went back to her book while Del crashed out on the sofa. The canal has stayed frozen all day, but in the afternoon a boat did go past us crashing it's way through the ice.
If it doesn't freeze tonight we might be able to move tomorrow, but don't bank on it.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Bridge 61 don't let you down
It was a lovely day today with the sun out very early. The snow had really started to thaw so Del got out and did the brasses while Al read her book as we had trouble trying to get on line. It turned out it wasn't a problem our end, and when phoning Vodafone everyone had had the same problem and the network was down.
This took up the bulk of the day and it was very relaxing. In the evening we were planning to go to a folk shin dig at the Bridge 61 pub.
This is where loads of boaters turn up with instruments and just all have a play and a sing song. We managed to get there at about 8.00pm and it was packed with people sitting around with accordions violins, guitars, banjos, harmonicas, and drums. We even had people turn up with just a stick and a piece of string and of course the spoons.
We had a ball of a time singing to all the old folk songs. The pub even brought round a hot sausage on a fork and samosas. We all got a bit merry, as you can see, by even trying to blow up a balloon using your nose, on your head.
We staggered home at about 1.00am... The canal was just starting to freeze.......
Friday, February 19, 2010
This country is so beautiful
With Al still in Reading, Del was woken up by lumps of snow hitting the roof where it was beginning to thaw. It was just so pretty you just can't put it into words and the pictures can only show how it was. 
You could just sit and watch the snow falling from the trees into the canal. Del had a hangover and found it difficult just to make some toast, so he spent the best part of the morning laying down. Al arrived back at around 3.00pm and she had a good time.
So snow once more, but it is beautiful.
She left her friend Joy in Reading in glorious sunshine,
and arrived back home to the snow. 

At Foxton Locks, Al bumped into Vanessa off of nb Balmaha (see link) and had a good old natter catching up. Del meanwhile was worried that Al had fallen in the canal on some of the slippy sections of towpath!

At Foxton Locks, Al bumped into Vanessa off of nb Balmaha (see link) and had a good old natter catching up. Del meanwhile was worried that Al had fallen in the canal on some of the slippy sections of towpath!
So snow once more, but it is beautiful.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Al down in Reading
We didn't blog yesterday because we didn't do that much. The weather was wet with some sleet and for the best part of the day we were watching the Olympics. We also watched the football in the evening....
Al in the meantime was enjoying catching up with Joy, enjoying a lovely meal and of course a couple of glasses of wine. It was then off to the Pampered Chef party at Lorry's which was good fun.......more eating and drinking......Today Al has made her way down to Reading while Del stayed on Derwent6. She is seeing some friends Joyce & Steve and going to a cookware party in the evening. Just as Al left it started to snow, and snow, and snow.
By the time she was down in Reading Derwent6 was under four inches of snow. It was one of those put a log on the fire days. Del went for a walk in the afternoon and ended up (funnily enough) in Bridge 61. They had a power cut due to the weather and The Foxton Locks Inn had to close, but the good old 61 just lit a few candles and got the fire roaring, it was very cosy. It also didn't help that all boaters were greeted with a sambuca with the first pint, mixing is not good for Del... We all had a good boating chat and the power did come back on at around 9.30, which was Del's call to stagger back. We had now had six inches but it didn't appear to be freezing. 
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Pancake Day
We got up quite early and had some breakfast before Del went out and chopped up the wood we managed to get yesterday. Then the sun came out and it was beautiful blue sky's and it seemed a good day to cruise. 

We set off with the sun on our backs and it felt so peaceful with the birds singing us on our way
It looked like these trees were going to fall on us!
The wind had dropped and the scenery was fantastic, we even passed three boats on the way. Al then decided she would stoke the fire through the tunnel and Del was singing "smoke gets in your eyes" but managed not to hit the tunnel wall.
When we got back to Foxton we moored in a nice quiet spot.
It was so warm that Del polished the side and the wind was so slight that a hot air balloon went floating by.
In the distance the black clouds were looming so we battened down the hatches just in time for a massive hailstone storm (where did that come from). The towpath was soon white as it was hitting the roof.
We watched the ice skating at the Olympics and then relaxed listening to the rain in the evening, with our pancakes. Yep, no pancake pan (who did have that?) but they were still scrummy!
We set off with the sun on our backs and it felt so peaceful with the birds singing us on our way
It looked like these trees were going to fall on us!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Moved, but not too far
As it didn't freeze last night we decided to move today. We topped up with water first and gave the side of Derwent6 a wash before moving off.
We went through the lock and got to the end of the arm (about a mile) and thought we had done enough today! It had turned cold again, so we moored up.
We went on the search for wood and then settled down to watch the skating at the Olympics.. With the fire roaring that was it for the day, and to be fair we don't know where it's gone.....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines
After last night we didn't rise till 10.30am.... We know lazy.. but hey it is Valentines day you know!!! We let the fire go out last night as we are now back on wood so we lit it again as soon as we got up... We did think about moving but after the late start decided not to.
Al then made some lovely shortbread biscuits in the shape of love hearts, and we had a romantic dinner in the dayroom of steak and salad, followed by a loooovvvvlllleyyy chocolate mouse with cointreau, with of course a shortbread biscuit.
In the evening we sat in front of the telly watching the Olympics eating a packet of love hearts of course!!!!
Yes we are sad!!!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Boaters Music Night
The sun was out this morning so Del got out and wiped the boat down after it had been splashed with mud again. He also made the mistake of doing the roof brasses. We had just had some lunch when there was a tap on the stern... It was Alan from Axiom propellers (http://www.axiompropellers.com/ ) and it was great to see him. He had been following the blog and came out to see us on the off chance. He came in for a coffee and was gathering some more feedback on the performance of the prop.
We have been really happy with how things have been going and now wouldn't change it for the world. After he left, it rained, so we sat and watched the Rugby and Football. In the evening we walked down to the Whalf Inn as they were having a few bands playing. These bands are all boaters from the marina which get together every year. It is organised by Ron who plays the washboard on n.b Strollin Bones and the compare is Bruce on n.b Boston. We had some others turn up who play in a Lonney Donigan tribute band and also some Country was played by some friends Ron. Well it turned out to be a pub lock in, and it didn't finish till 1.30am in the morning...Good job Derwent6 was a hundred yards from the pub. With our singing voices worn out and our heads spinning we fell into bed.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Black stuff from the ceiling
One of those lazy days today... We got up late as the rain was hitting the roof and then had breakfast... While we were eating we noticed black tar running down the walls by the chimney. It was coming out from between the wooden slats in the top corners of the roof. As quick as we were wiping it, it kept coming back. Del got up on the roof and removed the chimney but as the fire was going it was difficult to see what the problem was. It seemed like it was running from the collar in the roof but we couldn't get to the source. We will have to let the fire burn out tonight and maybe look tomorrow. We have stuck a piece of kitchen roll up there in case it appears again. We had a nice casserole which we cooked on the Morso, and just chilled the rest of the day.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hello Mum
We still had ice on the canal so decided to get some things done on board. Del did the porthole liners while Al had a bit of a brush up. We then had a surprise visit from Del's Mum (Pat) and she came in for lunch. We had a good catch up.... In the afternoon we finished what we had started and then Del cleaned the lamp and brasses in the engine room. We had a bit of a sing a long in the evening :-)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Stocked up in snowy Welford
With Derwent6 now plastered in mud and we also had this nice view out the window.
Actually it looks like a blackbird in a tree but in fact it's dog s**t hooked up in a bush in a black plastic bag....the mentality of some people. At 10.30am it started to snow hard so won't be moving today....
So it was time for a few more jobs, one of which was to get the bike back on the road as we had got a new inner tube for it.
At 1.00pm we had a Tesco delivery so all the cupboards are now full and it can snow how much it likes..
Derwent6 has now done it's first thousand hours and is due a service, but we will wait for it to warm up a bit before doing it. In the afternoon we watched DVD's and then Al watched telly in the evening while Del practiced playing the guitar......confined to the bedroom.
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