Thursday, December 07, 2017

Christmas top up

We were surprised at how warm it has got again but we still need the fire going just to take the chill off. Del was up and wiping down Derwent6 and then started to give D6 some Christmas spirit.

 It was just a bit of tinsel here and there and of course our Christmas bells on the lamp.
We then set off towards Brownsover as we wanted to top up with some Christmas goodies at Tesco's which was close by.. Al walked down and got the food while Del went up and turned and then filled with water.
It worked out perfect and we both arrived together, albeit that the boat was a lot heavier, as we will be if we eat and drink it all..
It was just getting dusky as we set off again and moored back up just off the water point..
These times are always the best to catch the wildlife.
It was nice to snuggle back inside the warmth of Derwent6 by the fire and you soon struggle to keep your eyes open..
Al made a nice pie for dinner and that finished us off for the night.

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