As you probably had gathered we have been away this weekend.. It was Tanya's 21st Birthday (our god daughter) and we were going to give her a weekend to remember...

Monday 26th March......
It started with us going down on the Monday afternoon to Kent where we stayed with Al's mum and dad for the night and did a few jobs for them, one of which was to fit a power pack turning the wheelchair into an electric one.
Tuesday 27th March......
With Del still in trouble with his back he went to the doctors, with a bit of a list (as you do) and ended up going to have some x rays. He also fitted in going to the dentist as he hadn't been for four years and found everything still to be in order there.
Wednesday 28th March....
We tried out the wheel chair with Pam and Alf and went for a walk around some lakes and through the woods at Bradbourne Vale near Sevenoaks as the weather was fantastic for the time of year.
We then went over to Cliff and Louise and met the kids from school. We were treated to a lovely roast dinner when we got back. Del gave little Ella a guitar lesson.
It was nice to see them all before they all went on holiday to the West country.
Thursday 28th March.....
In the morning we chilled with Pam and Alf and in the afternoon we made our way over to Steve and Erica's where they had cooked a nice meal for us, and we stayed there the night.
Friday 30th March.....
Today it was Tanya's 21st Birthday and we had a full on day for her, and she had no idea where we were going. We got the train up to London at 10.00am and went to Covent Garden for some shopping.
We then had lunch in Planet Hollywood Cafe and then made our way to the Ice bar off Regents Street. Tanya had always wanted to go there. The whole bar is made out of ice and even the glasses are ice. It is minus five in there so you have to wear nice designer capes to keep warm. We couldn't feel our fingers when we came out but a few cocktails soon sorted it.
We then walked down Shaftsbury Avenue and went to see the musical "Rock of Ages" another thing Tanya wanted to do and had no idea we were going. We all really enjoyed it!!!
The day didn't want to end so we finished off in T G I Fridays where we had nibbles at the bar with more cocktails.
We just managed to get the second to last train back to Steve and Erica's, Tanya's mum and dad.
Saturday 31st March....
Today was party day so we had to get all the food ready, the marque up in the garden, and the decorations and lights also put up. This took us the best part of the day. In the afternoon we went over to Bernie and Sarah's where we had to get ready for the party. It was a Fancy dress and you had to go as anything beginning with "T". Tanya decided to go as Tinkerbell and Al decided to go as Tanya.
Del and his mate Bernie went as TV's (well there was a bet involved)
It was a great night which finished with Tanya taking on a guy at a drinking game and him being carted of to Maidstone hospital in a ambulance, not very well!!!! He won't do that again!!!
We got to bed at around 3.00am.
Sunday 1st April....
We were all up at 8.00am and the clear up operation began. The house was back to normal by midday and we had a hour just sitting in the sunshine. At 2.00pm we made our way to a Sunday carvery where twelve of us all met up again including Tanya's nan. We left at 6.00pm and made our way back to Derwent6 for 9.00pm Ahhh it's good to be home!!!! We were in bed by 9.30pm as you can imagine