We had also checked the weather knowing that snow was on the way again with dropping temperatures. We needed to be back to Derwent6 before night full and we also knew it would take a couple of hours to get it warmed up.
The trains were OK on the way back but the snow was coming in flurries. We could also see the canal and at Kings Langley it seemed very patchy with ice on the shady bits. But as you got past Milton Keynes it just got worse, and the ice just got thicker in the shady bits. Derwent6 was covered in snow and ice when we arrived and we had trouble opening the cratch cover, it was minus two, and the sky looked full of it. 
When we opened the doors it didn't seem so cold, and Al saw the decorations for the first time (with a few tears). The first thing was to start the engine. It turned over very slowly but did burst into life... Good girl we both shouted!!!
The heating was then turned on and the top of the rads were ice cold, but slowly the heat came through as the boiler fired up. Next the fire, which was soon roaring in the corner and last of all the kettle was put on. We sat with our coats on for two hours while Derwent6 got up to full temperature. We were very lucky and had no leaks (well not yet anyway). It was lovely to sleep in our own bed..........
Pleased to hear that Al's Mum is home for Christmas ....it's a time for families and pleased the Derwent 6 is all safe and snug now ...have a wrapped up cosy week ...x
Hi both,
Wonderful news Pam is back home and you can rest easier now. Must have been stressful for both of you.
Glad D6 is OK, I'd be surprisd if she was not, she'll not let you down with you too looking after her.
Stay warm and take care in this weather.
Great news - got back just in time before the snow - and bet you enjoyed Strictly in your home xxx
Thanks Lorna, it's great to be back on derwent6.....we were getting homesick!! x
Thank Steve & Chris, yeah it has been a rollercoaster of a time. Really looking forward to Christmas now. Take care x
Hi Z, Yeah we just got back in time, and think some more is on your way this week. Strictly was on the agenda and was FAB-U-LOUS xxx
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