Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Loaded Up

After a day of staying in Braunston we got up early and set off.. It was light drizzle but the forecast was good and sure enough, the sun came out half hour into our trip..
We soon pulled up to the place where we had got wood on the way down and loaded Derwent6 to the hilt.
We were rocking around a bit and lower in the water, but we just took it easy.
It is still very quiet on the waterways and we never passed anything till we got to Hillmorton Locks..
 We could see showers in the distance and got caught out on a few but they were very light..
We had no problems through the locks as they were in our favour and then we moored up at the bottom.
When we stopped we set up the telly and Del wiped down Derwent6 as it was still wet..

We'd had a call earlier from Alf (Al's Dad) saying his blood pressure had dropped dramatically and the doctor wanted him to go to hospital to get it checked out. He sent for an ambulance and Alf was taken to A&E. They kept him for 4 hours and after some thorough tests allowed him to go home, but the problem will need to be investigated further. Poor Alf, another one to add to the list!

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