We are now down to half a tank of water and needed to do some washing, so we decided to try and get some water before the temperatures drop too low again and freeze up the water tap. So we got going early so we could get a couple of runs in. Paul and Lynne kindly lent us their sack barrow and water can so we could double up, and we trundled down to the tap which is about a third of a mile away.
The snow had thawed a bit and made it a bit easier to pull the sack barrows. So we managed to get one hundred litres in the tank which will help us out for a couple of extra days.
It's amazing how much it wears you out and how long out of the day it takes, we needed a well earned rest after it all. For the rest of the day we did nothing as the temperatures dropped again. You could feel Derwent6 getting colder on the outside as the ice sticks to the hull and it creaks and groans as you walk through. We were warm and snug with the fire... We are now starting to get low on coal and will be back on wood by the end of the week if things don't improve. We have been spoilt on coal for the last couple of months, which is not like us.... It was quite spooky outside with the moon glistening off the ice.
Well done on being able to get water, we filled up yesterday, thankfully the tap was not frozen.
Stay safe and warm. Love Jo xx
Hi Jo, yep we can have a shower now lol. Keep warm, I think the snows on its way! See you soon once this ice has gone x
Glad to read you two are keeping warm and feeling better. I love your final photo--gorgeous! I can feel the crisp cold just looking at it! Les is getting cabin fever staying in one place for so long. He keeps muttering "blooooody weather" under his breath. :)
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