For the first time we went to bed and left the cratch cover up and guess what, it rained.. It was only a short sharp shower but it got everything wet. We had to move this morning due the the waste tank being at nine on the gauge and Del wanted to polish the other side of Derwent6. We set of at 9.30am in the hope we could pump out at Clifton marina. When we went past there was nowhere to moor up as the boats they were working on were in the way. We didn't feel like breasting up so we carried on to Brownsover. We ended up doing a manual pumpout which we didn't really want to do this time.
When you have been static for a long time the sediment in the tank all falls to the bottom and a powerful pumpout is the best way to get it out, plus you can also rinse the tank with fresh water. Still we got the gauge down to pump out next time. Del did all this and got rid of all our rubbish while Al popped down to Tesco's to get more goodies.. We then went and winded (turned round) and topped up with water.

As we set of again it was trying to rain so we moored up at Clifton again where we set off from!
Del can now do his polishing.... The rain had got worse so it was light the fire and snuggle in for the night... It did bring the lambs out, it must have been the first time they had seen rain. Just look at this little black lamb with it's white tail.
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