We ended up having coffee in the cratch it got so warm. There was still ice on the canal and as we sat there a boat came up next to us breaking the ice. He was standing up the front while she was on the tiller and we had to push them off as they went by.
It took them about half a hour to get this far.
While we were out in the cratch we noticed that the cratch board needed oiling so Del set to work on that.
It was nice in the sun........We touched up some paintwork inside and outside and then went for a walk up to the shops for a loaf of bread. In the early evening we watched the sunset while we sang some songs back in the cratch.
Hi Del and Al
We are thinking of getting a cratch cover similar to yours. How do you find getting on and off at the front. We have front and rear ropes and no cnetral line so does that work OK (especially in a panic in the rain. Any advice would be welcome. Also how quickly do they stack away (or do you not bother).
Do you know anyone with one of the new pramhood type cratch covers and is it harder to get on and off with those.
It sounds like you had a lovely lazy sunny day.
Many thanks
Ali (nb Tormentil)
wayhay - cups of tea on the cratch - one step away from bbqs on the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summer is acomin' in! Hope to see you soon
Hi Ali, we love our cratch cover as it allows us to use the area all year round (ours has an internal flap as well which stops draughs). We don't tend to get off on the front when mooring as we use a centre rope, but all you would have to do if your cratch cover was down is unhook it at the bottom and push it into the cratch so you could walk along the gunwale safely. We never stack it away as it rolls up on a nice day. Hope this helps.....
Hi Z
Yeahhhhhhhh can't wait!!!!!! xxxx
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