Thanks guys for all your lovely comments... I had a lovely day thank you IN THE END...
The day started with me waking up without my beloved as she was down in Kent with her Dad as she had to go to another doctors appointment, but the good news was, we were meeting up in London later in the day.... it felt like a date. She had also left a card and a small present to open, the card even had a narrowboat on it, she's brill....

So I then made my way down to the station and when I got there it was packed.. Well it turned out that some selfish git had jumped in front of the train at Milton Keynes and closed the lines down into London.. I had to wait an hour before they let a train run out of Rugby but I managed to get a seat for the mad rush to get on it.. Hmmm well sitting along side me I had a guy who decided to make a phone call (not in English) and he never came off the phone all the way down to London. Thank god for tunnels when he lost his signal and gave me a minutes rest each time!.. Then I had a guy standing in the aisle with his arm holding on to the seat in front so his armpit was right next to me and you guessed it, it stunk!. Behind him was a guy chewing gum and all I could hear over this phone was tick tick tick of his mouth, chewing on the gum, and to top it all I had a guy behind me with his headphones on tapping the back of my seat to the music he was listening to.. Great! It would have been a better trip travelling in a cattle truck, which it what it felt like, and cows don't do phones..
I arrived in Euston and found Al where things got a lot better.
We headed straight for my favorite restaurant Hard Rock Cafe and we went straight in and got a prime seat, in fact I sat in the seat where Bill Gibbons sat (the lead singer and guitarist from ZZ Top) last night, with a bunch of guests, and Al was sitting in Frank Beards seat (the drummer in the band). I was facing my favorite wall which was filled with all Queen and Pink Floyd stuff, we felt like royalty.
They even played our favorite music for us, so we had Queen, Pink Floyd, Springsteen, Jackson and of course Bon Jovi. What a great lunch, we were in there three hours and stuffed with food and drink..
We then jumped on the bus to Piccadilly where Eros was in a big snow shaker and then walked to Hamley's to play with all the new toys, and then the apple store to check out the latest gadgets and workshops..
When we came out the Christmas lights were on and we did Oxford street and the Selfridges windows..
They were really good this year and a bit more effort has been made, we enjoyed them
Boots even had lights with real snow coming down from three snow making machines on the roof, lovely.
Then it was the bus to the bar for more drinks and cocktails before heading off back to Al's Mum and Dads where more presents were opened.....
One present I got from Pam and Alf was a chainsaw chain sharpener which will help out through this cold winter they say we are going to have..and it will save on buying a new chain every time..........
It turned out to be a lovely day, thanks again guys....