Just a quick update.....Len has now had to reduce his steroids and some of his symptoms have come back, such as loss of balance and tiredness, but has it stopped us going out...no way!!!!

He has been taken to a pub lunch every day often with bands playing and he has been to the Margate Turner centre and we went to the Broadstairs Folk Festival yesterday, and met Rob and Polly.

We all even got on telly.. we were on South East news today, last night..
sorry to hear of your situation .....but you are obviously being so positive and making such wonderful memories.......x
You chose the best day - we had rain and soggy morris men! Hope to see you all soon - if Len feels up to it perhaps we could have a meet up in Whitstable this week?
Big love
Z xxx
Thanks Lorna x
Thanks Z, will see how Len is this week and keep you posted x
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